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Bibles in Ulithian

John 3:2-12 in Ulithian

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John 3:2-12 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy

2 Lubungul seral ngo Nicodemus yesa loh irel Jesus sala kangalu bo, “Rabbi, hamem ha gola le gel semal sensey le Deus ye fangdoh. Tor semal le be yoh ngali le be foru kkemal kala gel ho foforu. Semal le be rel mel Deus irel ngo sa moch mmal ngali le be foru.”
3 Jesus sa hatefaeli ngo sa sor bo, “Ibe kangalug mala tosal: tor semal le be yoh le be wiri mala Lamliyel Deus le be te sub tefael fael sew.”
4 Nicodemus yesa kasiya, “Be ifa sengal chog ngo semal cholelap sala wol sub tefael fael sew. Ye tugul le towe yoh le be wol tefael loang lal siyel mala sil bo bela wol sub tefael!”
5 Jesus yesa sor bo, “Ibe kangalug mala katosal; tor semal le be yoh le be hola mala Lamliyel Deus le be te sub tefael mo irel chael mo Espritu Santus.
6 Yarmat ila re sub mo irel yarmat iwe ngo mekla ngulur ila ye sub mo irel Espritu Santus.
7 Ho towe lluwdah irel mele ikangalug bo pangamiloh ngo habe sub tefael fael sew.
8 Yaeng ila yema loh lobole ye dipli be loh iyang. Hama rongrong ngungul yaeng ngo ha togla hare iya mele ye budoh mo iyang hare iya mele ye loloh iyang. Ila sengal igeger panger rechokla re sub tefael mo irel Espritu Santus.”
9 Nicodemus yesa kasiy bo, “Ila ngo be ifa sengal chog ngo sala mmal mala?”
10 Jesus sa hatefaeli ngo yesa sor bo, “Gel semal sensey kala ho tagiyet mo woal Israel ngo ho togla mele?
11 Mele ikangalug ila ye katos: hami hama kapta meka ha gola ngo hama sor kofal mekla ha wiri. Iwe ngo tor semal hami le ye chepar iyang.
12 Ha techepar ngalyey irel meka ikekangalugmi le kofal meka lal talop le, ila ngo be ifa sengal chog ngo ha sala chepar ngalyey irel mekla iy be kangalugmi le kofal mekla wol laeng?
John 3 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy