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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - John - John 18

John 18:27-32

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27And Peter again denied, and anon the cock crew. (And again Peter denied it, and at once the cock crowed.)
28Then they led Jesus to Caiaphas, into the moot hall; and it was early, and they entered not into the moot hall, that they should not be defouled, but that they should eat pask. (And then they led Jesus from Caiaphas, to the Hall of Judgement, at the Governor’s palace; and it was early in the morning, and they did not enter into the Hall of Judgement at the Governor’s palace, so that they would not be defiled, and then they could still eat the Passover.)
29Therefore Pilate went out withoutforth to them, and said, What accusing bring ye against this man? (And so Pilate went outside to them, and said, What accusation, or what charge, do ye make against this man?)
30They answered, and said to him, If this were not a mis-doer, we had not betaken him to thee. (They said to him, If he were not a wrong-doer, we would not have delivered him, or we would not have brought him, to thee.)
31Then Pilate saith to them, Take ye him, and deem ye him, after your law. And the Jews said to him, It is not leaveful to us, to slay any man; (Then Pilate said to them, Take him, and judge him yourselves, according to your Law. And the Jews said to him, It is not lawful for us, to kill any man;)
32(so) that the word of Jesus should be fulfilled, which he said, signifying by what death he should die.

Read John 18John 18
Compare John 18:27-32John 18:27-32