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Tyndale New Testament - John - John 11

John 11:42-49

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42I wot that thou hearest me all wayes: but because of the people that stonde by I sayde it that they maye beleve that thou hast sent me.
43And when he thus had spoken he cryed with a loud voyce. Lazarus come forthe.
44And he that was deed came forth bounde hand and fote with grave bondes and his face was bounde with a napkin. Iesus sayde vnto the: loowse him and let him goo.
45Then many of the Iewes which came to Mary and had sene the thinges which Iesus dyd beleved on him.
46But some of them went their wayes to the Pharises and tolde them what Iesus had done.
47Then gadered the hye prestes and the Pharises a counsell and sayde: what do we? This man doeth many miracles.
48Yf we let him scape thus all men will beleve on him and the Romaynes shall come and take awaye oure countre and the people.
49And one of them named Cayphas which was the hieprest that same yeare sayde vnto them: Ye perceave nothinge at all

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