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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling (Enhanced) - Isaiah - Isaiah 1

Isaiah 1:10-24

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10Ye princes of men of Sodom, hear the word of the Lord; and ye people of Gomorrah, perceive with ears the law of your God. (Ye leaders of the people of Sodom, listen to the word of the Lord; and ye people of Gomorrah, listen to the Law of your God.)
11Whereto offer ye to me the multitude of your sacrifices? saith the Lord. I am full; I would not the burnt sacrifices of wethers (or I do not desire the burnt sacrifices of rams), and the inner fatness of fat beasts, and the blood of calves, and of lambs, and of bucks of goats.
12When ye came before my sight, who asked of your hands these things, that ye should go in my foreyards? (When ye came before me, who asked for any of these things from your hands, so that ye could walk in my courtyards?)
13Offer ye no more sacrifice(s) in vain; incense is abomination to me; I shall not suffer new moon, and sabbath, and other feasts. For your companies be wicked; (To offer your sacrifices any longer would be in vain, that is, empty and futile; your incense is an abomination to me; I will no longer abide new moon, or Sabbath, or other festivals. For your congregation is wicked;)
14my soul hateth your calends and your solemnities; those be dis-easeful to me, I travailed (with) suffering. (my soul hateth your calends and your feasts; they be distasteful to me, and I am tired of having to witness them.)
15And when ye stretch forth your hands, I shall turn away mine eyes from you; and when ye multiply prayer, I shall not hear (you); for why your hands be full of blood.
16Be ye washed, be ye clean; do ye away the evil of your thoughts from mine eyes; cease ye to do waywardly,
17learn ye to do well. Seek ye doom, help ye him that is oppressed, deem ye to the fatherless and motherless child, defend ye a widow. (learn ye to do what is right. Seek ye justice, help ye those who be oppressed, judge ye for the fatherless and the motherless child, defend ye a widow.)
18And come ye, and prove ye me, saith the Lord. Though your sins be as blood-red, those shall be made white as snow; and though they be red as vermilion, they shall be white as wool. (And come ye, and prove ye me out, saith the Lord. And though your sins be as red as blood, they shall be made as white as snow; and though they be as red as vermilion, they shall be made as white as wool.)
19If ye will, and hear me, ye shall eat the goods of the earth. (If ye be willing, and obey me, then ye shall eat the good things of the earth.)
20That if ye do not, and ye stir me to wrathfulness, (the) sword shall devour you; for why the mouth of the Lord spake. (But if ye do not, and ye stir me to anger, the sword shall devour you; for the Lord hath spoken.)
21How is the faithful city full of doom made an whore? rightfulness dwelled therein; but now men-quellers dwell therein. (How the faithful city is made like a whore! Once it was full of justice, and righteousness lived there or and the righteous lived there; but now only murderers (live there)!)
22Thy silver is turned into dross, either filth; thy wine is meddled with water (or thy wine is mixed with water).
23Thy princes be unfaithful, the fellows of thieves; all love gifts, and follow yieldings, either meeds; they deem not to a fatherless child, and the cause of a widow entereth not to them. (Thy leaders be unfaithful, the friends of thieves; all of them love gifts, and follow after bribes,or rewards; they do not judge favourably for a fatherless child, and a widow’s case never even cometh before them.)
24For this thing, saith the Lord God of hosts, the Strong of Israel, Alas! I shall be comforted on mine enemies, and I shall be venged of mine enemies. (For this thing, saith the Lord God of hosts, the Strong One of Israel, No more! Now I shall get satisfaction over my enemies, and I shall take vengeance upon my enemies or and I shall be avenged upon my enemies.)

Read Isaiah 1Isaiah 1
Compare Isaiah 1:10-24Isaiah 1:10-24