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Wycliffe's Bible with Modern Spelling - Ecclesiastes - Ecclesiastes 4

Ecclesiastes 4:5-11

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5A fool foldeth together his hands, and eateth his flesh,
6and saith, Better is an handful, with rest, than ever either hand full, with travail and torment of soul.
7I beheld and found also another vanity under the sun;
8one there is, and he hath not a second; neither a son, nor a brother; and nevertheless he ceaseth not to travail, neither his eyes be filled with riches; neither he bethinketh him, and saith, To whom travail I, and deceive my soul in goods? In this also is vanity, and the worst torment.
9Therefore it is better, that two be together than one; for they have profit of their fellowship.
10If one falleth down, he shall be underset of the tother; woe to him that is alone, for when he falleth, he hath none to raise him up.
11And if twain sleep together, they shall be nourished together; how shall one be made hot?

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