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Free Bible Version - Acts - Acts 8

Acts 8:18-27

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18When Simon saw that the Holy Spirit was given when the apostles placed their hands on people, he offered them money.
19“Give me this power, too,” he asked them, “so that anyone I place my hands on will receive the Holy Spirit.”
20“May your money be destroyed together with you for thinking God's gift is something that can be bought!” Peter replied.
21“You're not part of any of this. None of this work belongs to you, because in God's eyes your attitude is totally wrong.
22Repent of your evil ways! Pray to the Lord and ask forgiveness for thinking like this.
23I can see that you are full of bitter envy, and chained down by your sin.”
24“Please pray for me, that nothing you've said may happen to me!” Simon replied.
25After they had given their testimony and shared the word of the Lord, they returned to Jerusalem, sharing the good news in many Samaritan villages along the way.
26An angel of the Lord told Philip, “Get ready and go south to the desert road that leads from Jerusalem to Gaza.”
27So Philip set out, and met an Ethiopian man, a eunuch who had a high position in the service of the Kandake, Queen of Ethiopia. He was her chief treasurer. He had gone to Jerusalem to worship there, and

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