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Bibles in Ulithian

Acts 25:8-23 in Ulithian

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Acts 25:8-23 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy

8 Iwe ngo Paulus yesa taldi kofal lufulyal le ye sor bo, “Tor sew formel le ye tayikof le isa foru hare ifaor ngal Hatobtob we yar Jews hare Templum we. Ngo wol tor tayikof le ifaor ngal Llulupal Tamol la woal Roma.”
9 Iwe ngo Festus ye dipli bo yebe hafel kaptal iy mo irer Jews kowe. Iwe yesa kasiya Paulus bo, “Hobe mechal le sibe loh wol Jerusalem bo ho bela taldi kofam mo imoy irel tayikof ka re sor bo hosa foru?”
10 Paulus yesa sor bo, “Ngang isu igla lal imwel tatelal hapatpat le yael mala Llulupal Tamol Roma. Le iye lobosle ye fel le ibe taldi kofay mo iyang. Gel ngo ho faesul gola le tor tayikof le iforu ngalir Jews.
11 Iwe ngo hare isa hatawsi sew hatobtob kowe le isa faor sew formel le bele yor fal le ibe mes iyang, ila ngo itowe dongor le ibe tal mo iyang. Iwe ngo hare tor mele ye katos mo irel meka re sosor irey, ila ngo tor semal le yor kkelal le be fang long ngang lal payur Jews. Isa dongor igla bo ibela taldiyey mo imol mala Llulupal Tamol woal Roma.”
12 Festus yesa hapatpat ngalir chol hamedaf kowe yal iwe ngo yesa kangalu Paulus bo, “Hare Llulupal Tamol la woal Roma mele hosa sor bo hobe loh irel, ila ngo Llulupal Tamol la Roma mele ho bele loh irel.”
13 Yela ssulay loh tot mo wol miril ngo King Agrippa mo Bernice resa budoh woal Caesarea bo rebe rol werfangal mo Festus.
14 Yela fedbong yar mel woal haplom we ngo Festus sa hamdefa kofael Paulus ngal king we le ye sor bo, “Ye mel semal mal iga le ye loh Tamol Aamwe Felix ngo yete hachuya mo lal kalbus;
15 iwe ngo yodwe iloh wol Jerusalem ngo tamol temarong kowe yar Jews mo mal kowe yar resa budoh sor tayikof kala yesa foru ngo re sor bo ibe limeseloh.
16 Iwe isa kangalur le hamem yarmetael Roma ila hate ma fangloh yarmat bo re bela llir loh le rebe ted werfangal mo rechokla re yichingewar, hare imol mala re be telad kofer mo irel tayikof kala re sor bo re foru.
17 Yodla rela budoh iga ngo ngang itay kketalmoch bo la rallawe chog seral ngo isa bulong marodiy lal imwel tatelal hapatpat ngo isa dengag iy mal le bo rebe hasilong.
18 Iwe ngo rela sudah ir rechokla re ssong ngali ngo tor sew tayikof kowe ngang ikachog bo rebe sor bo ye foru le re sor.
19 Mekla chog re kachocho fengal iyang ila kofal chog yar taliw mo kofal semal mal le Jesus idal le yesa mes. Iwe ngo Paulus yema sor chog bo Jesus ila ye molow.
20 Iwol togla hare be ifa sengal ngo isa gola tot kofal iy mele, iwe isa kasiya Paulus hare yebe mechal loh wol Jerusalem bo ha bela tettal hapatpat mo iyang.
21 Iwe ngo Paulus sa hafaelpech bo habe posa chog, iwe ngo ye wol dongor bo Llulupal Tamol la Roma mele yebe hatugulu kofal. Iwe isa sor bo rebe posa chog yee, yela hola sew yad le be mmal bo ibe fangloh iy wol Roma irel Llulupal Tamol we.”
22 Iwe ngo Agrippa sa kangalu Festus bo, “Idipli le ibe spegil rongrong mo irel mal la mekla iy yebe sor.” Festus yesa sor bo, “Walsu ngo hosa rongrong mo irel mele yebe sor.”
23 Yela rallawe seral ngo Agrippa mo Bernice resa hawwulyar ngo resa bulong lal imw we yesa ssog yarmat iyang le tamol saldaw fengal mo chotagiyet woal haplom we. Festus yesa sor bo rebe hasilong Paulus. Iwe resa hasilong.
Acts 25 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy