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Translation for Translators - Acts - Acts 18

Acts 18:12-24

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12When Gallio was the Roman governor of Achaia province, the Jewish leaders SYN there got together and seized Paul. They took him before Gallio and accused him,
13saying, “This man is teaching people a false religion, leading them to worship God in ways that are contrary to our Jewish laws.”
14When Paul was about to speak MTY to defend himself, Gallio said to the Jews, “If this man had acted deceitfully or disobeyed any of our Roman laws, I would listen patiently to what you Jews want to tell me.
15However, you are merely arguing about words and names and your own Jewish laws, so you yourselves need to resolve this. I refuse to judge these things!”
16After Gallio had said that, he commanded some soldiers/guards that they expel those Jewish leaders from the courtroom.
17Then the mob outside grabbed the leader of the Jewish meeting place, Sosthenes because they considered that he was responsible for those accusations against Paul. They beat him, right there in front of the courthouse. But Gallio did nothing about it.
18Paul stayed on with the believers in Corinth for ◄many days/some time►. Then he left the believers there, and went with Priscilla and her husband Aquila. They went down to Cenchrea, a port city. There Paul had his head shaved { someone shave his head} in order to partially complete a vow that he had taken. Then they got on a ship and sailed for Syria province.
19They arrived at Ephesus city, and Priscilla and Aquila stayed there. Before Paul left Ephesus, he entered the Jewish meeting place and lectured to the Jews.
20They asked him to stay longer, but he refused.
21But, as he left, he told them, “I will come back, if God wills/desires me to do that.” Then, because he wanted to be in Jerusalem to finish completing his vow, he got on a ship that sailed from Ephesus.
22When the ship arrived at Caesarea, Paul got off. He went up to Jerusalem and greeted the believers there. Then he went back down to Antioch city in Syria province.
23Paul spent some time with the believers there. Then he left Antioch and traveled to several towns that he had visited previously in Galatia and Phrygia provinces. He taught all of the believers more of the message from God about Jesus.
24While Paul was traveling in Galatia and Phrygia, a Jewish man whose name was Apollos came to Ephesus. He was a native of Alexandria city. He spoke eloquently and he knew the Scriptures thoroughly.

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