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Bibles in Ulithian

Acts 14:1-12 in Ulithian

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Acts 14:1-12 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy

1 Ye wol iye sengal chog mala ye weldoh mo woal Iconium. Paulus mo Barnabas re loh irel imwel ttey we resala foloy iyang. Ye cholop Gentiles mo Jews le re weg re sala mel bo chotugul irel foloy kowe yar.
2 Iwe ngo Jews kowe te weg deper, resa hassongar Gentiles kowe bo rebe fedeg ngalir chotugul kowe.
3 Ye ssulay yar mel apostel kowe wol fuluwe le ye kkel yar foloyu kofal Samol. Ngo Samol ye hallehaloh le ye katos mokwe re sosor, irel molwe ye fang kkeler bo rebe ffaor kkemal.
4 Resa hamhela chol haplom we; sibis re ppilir Jews ngo sibis re ppilir apostel kowe.
5 Resa chufengal sibis Gentiles mo Jews kowe mo mal kowe yar resa ppil fengal bo rebe hetalngalir ngo re hacchifir apostel kowe.
6 Molwe apostel kowe rela rongrong molwe re bele foru ngo resa haw resa loh wol Lystra mo Derbe we ye mel wol Lycaonia, iwe mo fulu kowe ye tebalililoh Lycaonia.
7 Re sala foloyu Hapatpat Momay we mo iyang.
8 Ye mel semal mal woal Lystra le ye mes mekla pechel, le yela subdoh chog ngo faesul ila sengal. Tedyor fael sew le ye mmal le yebe darloh.
9 Ye maroro loboswe yesa tetalenga foloy kowe yael Paulus. Paulus ye gola le mal we yesa chepar, iwe ngo be yoh le be chuy yal tomay. Iwe yesa kal ngali,
10 ngo yesa kangalu le ye hapallingi yalol le ye sor bo, “Su weldah!” Sa lutdah mal we ngo sa chaep yal darfedal.
11 Yodwe buwa we rela wiri molwe Paulus yesa foru, ngo yesa chaep yar tetawul ngo re kapatpat le re yalol Lycaonia le re sor bo, “Resa bidiy deus kowe luwuluch le resa igegelirloh yarmat!”
12 Resa hadeda Barnabas bo iy Zeus, ngo re hadeda Paulus bo iy Hermes, bo fael mala iy mele metal yalor.
Acts 14 in Bogtag we ye Tefoy