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Bogtag we ye Tefoy - 2 Corinthians

2 Corinthians 5

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1Bo si gula le yodla bela towasloh tento le si mel iyang, le ila mele holongoch wol talop le, ngo Deus yebe fang imwach mo wol laeng si bela mel iyang. Imw le ila Deus mele ye foru le be mel le towe yor siyal.
2Igla ila ye tayikof depach bo sa kkel yach dipli bo be yoh ngalgich mala imwach wol laeng.
3Gich si dipli le sibe mel lal mala imwach le ye tefoy, le ila mala holongoch mo wol laeng bo be tugul le yor holongoch.
4Yodle si chil mel lal tento le imwach wol talop ngo ye tafel lal depach. Site dipli le sibe ppedaloh meka holongoch wol talop, ngo si dipli bo sibe yetedah mala holongoch wol laeng uwoch, bo molow la tor siyal yebe liwli meka holongoch.
5Deus mele ye haflegich bo be liwel meka holongoch, ngo ye fang Espritu Santus la lamliyal ngalgich bo tugulul mala be yoh ngalgich pangal mekla ye itol bo yagilgich.
6Ila pangal yad ngo ye kkel chog lal depach. Si gula le yodol yach mel le meka holongoch mele imwach, iwe ngo gich si ddaw tang mala imwel Samol.
7Gich si mel irel molow le lea fael yach tugulul ladep irel Samol — ngo te mil meka si wiri.
8Gich ye kkel depach ngo si dipli sibe ligdi meka holongoch — le ikla mele imwach — bo si bela mel irel Samol.
9Mala ye palleng pelal le sibe foru ila mala be fel depel Samol iyang, le te tugul hare si mel lal ika imwach wol talop, hare ikla imwach mo wol laeng.
10Bo pangachloh ngo sibe loh fael metael Kristus bo yebe hatugulu kofach. Yebe fang hagerger ngalir rechokla re tayikof, ngo ye fang payel hachigchig ngalir rechokla re momay. Kristus yebe foru mele le be dabey lepal momay hare tayikof kala semal mo semal gich ye foru irel yodla ye mel irel molow le wol talop le.
11Hamem ha gola le habe hassaro Samol. Ila fal le hama yedamgel bo habe hakkela deper sibis bo rebe chepar. Deus ye golahmem; iwe ngo ngang ihable hare hami ha wol golayey.
12Hate luluwaley le habe wol hammal kaptamem ngalugmi: ha far luluwaley bo habe faor sew formel le be yor fal bo hami habe cchehas iremem iyang! Ila ngo habe gola mele habe paliliy ngalir rechokla rema habos irel igeger ngo te far igegel wegdegir.
13Katos le hamem buch? Ila ngo hasa buch le yagel Deus. Hare chil repiy yamem luluwal, ila ngo chil repiy yamem luluwal bo yaglugmi.
14Hachangcheng la yael Kristus mele ye lamlugmem, ngo igla ila hasa gola le semal yarmat ye mes bo yagilir panger yarmat. Ila panger yarmat ngo rebe dabey irel maes.
15Ye mes bo yaglir panger yarmat bo hare rechokla re mel irel molow la ye tefoy, re towe mel le rebe luluwaley chog kofer llufulyer, bo rebe mel le yagel Kristus we ye mes, ngo ye molow tefael mo irel maes bo yagilir.
16Si towol ma hatugulu kofer yarmat le sibe dabey luluwal ka yach yarmat. Ye mel sew yad we si hatugulu kofael Kristus le si dabey luluwal ka yach yarmat. Si towol ma foru le be ila sengal.
17Yodla semal yebe dabey Kristus ngo yebe tefoy tefael; bo yesa sub tefael le tay igegili molwe igegal metamo.
18Pangal meka ngo foriyel Deus le iy mele ye foru bo Kristus be liwli meka wegdegich bo sibe mel bo wol maryarel. Ngo ye fang ngalgich yach yengang le sibe foru, bo pangal yarmat ngo rebe mel bo maryarel.

19Mala ngang ikekapta ila Deus ye foru le pangal yarmat ngo rebe mel bo maryarel irel Kristus. Deus yesa hachuya mo lal yal luluwal mekla molfidir, ngo yesa kangalgich igegel yal foru bo rebe mel bo wol maryarel.
20Hamem mele metael yalol Kristus le ha kekapta mele yalol ngalugmi, le ye wochog mala Deus mele ye spegil kkapatpat ngalugmi. Hamem ha kekafael pechehmi bo yagel Kristus, ngo ligdi bo Deus yebe foru bo ha towe hattohar ngali bo habe far mel bo maryarel.
21Kristus ila tor molfidil. Iwe ngo Deus yesa yetedah mekla molfidich uwol bo hare sibe rol sew chog mo iy ngo si fel mo irel Deus.